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How do I perform at A Jazz Exchange event?




Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud etc.

Please send us at least one video of you performing in a live setting. 


Please apply if you are part of the band or a representative. 
If you have any problems applying please email us. 

Thanks for submitting!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work? 

The Jazz Exchange will review all artist applications. We will feature an emerging musician to open up for our featured artist. Two bands will perform at each show. The emerging artist will open

with a half hour set followed by our feature artist. 

Can I invite my own guests or friends?

All your friends and guests are welcome to join us for a Jazz Exchange concert. We encourage that you direct them to our website to purchase tickets. If the event is a private Jazz Exchange show we ask that you keep the details to a minimum in order to respect our hosts privacy. 

How do you select the artists? 

The Jazz Exchange works hard to review all artist applications.

Our diverse members are a knowledgable team of reviewers.

We are always searching for new artists and music. 

Why should I perform at a Jazz Exchange show? 

What is the setup for the shows? 

The setup for your shows vary based on the space and venue. Most places will be a standard jazz setup. In the case that you are playing at someones home or living room we make sure that your setup is minimal to respect the hosts home. If you have any questions regarding setup please feel free to ask us. 

Performing at a Jazz Exchange show allows our artists to present music to new audiences while building communities. If selected,

your band will be in all of our promotion and website.

This is a great opportunity for artists to connect through music. 

We ensure that your music and band are exposed to all our followers. 

When will I be notified?

If your band/project is selected you will hear back from a team member via-email with the details for the Secret Show you will perform at along with an agreement. 


915.926.0833 / 915.261.5256





THE JAZZ EXCHANGE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. FEIN No. 92-2725573

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